郑亚娟,硕士,副教授,硕士生导师, 大学英语部主任。毕业于华中师范大学,获英语教育硕士,研究方向为纺织科技翻译、英语教学和应用语言学。主要从事外语教学及科研工作,主讲纺织科技翻译、大学英语读写、大学英语技能训练等课程。主编教材《纺织英语》一本,参编规划教材两本,公开发表学术论文20余篇;主持完成校级精品课程和省级一流课程《纺织科技翻译》,省级教研项目一项,校级教研项目叁项;指导学生获“挑战杯”红色专项国家级叁等奖一项、国家级大创项目两项、省级大创项目一项。曾于2011年8月赴英国奇切斯特大学研修,2019年8月赴美国乔治城大学研修。
Zheng Yajuan
Master's Degree, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor, Director of the Department of University English.
Email: judymaomao@163.com
She graduated from Central China Normal University and earned a master’s degree. Her research fields focus on textile technology translation, English pedagogy, and applied linguistics. She primarily engages in foreign language instruction and academic research. She is the principal instructor for courses such as Textile Technology Translation, College English Reading and Composition, and College English Skill Development. She has authored a textbook Textile English, co-authored with two officially planned textbooks and published twenty odd academic papers. She has presided over and completed university-level quality course and the provincial first-class course Textile Technology Translation, as well as one provincial educational research project and three university-level educational research projects. She has also guided students to win the third prize in the "Challenge Cup" red project national competition, to get approved of College Student Entrepreneurship Project, twice nationally and once on the provincial level. She embarked on a study journey of further education to the University of Chichester in the United Kingdom in August 2011, and to Georgetown University in the United States in August 2019.