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主要研究方向:专门用途英语、自然语言处理;主持省部级项目两项,参与国家级项目一项、省部级课题叁项主持横向合作项目四项。在核心期刊发表论文十余篇主编教材一部。主要担任“大学基础英语”、“学科英语”、“研究生学术英语写作”、“中国文化概述”、“英语国家文化概况” 等课程教学。多次荣获校级教学质量优秀奖,指导学生在国家级、省级外语及学科专业类竞赛中获奖。

Cai Qian, Associate professor

Email: 2364090518@.

Research interests: English for Special Purposes, Natural Language Processing;

Cai Qian has been at WTU since 2001. She has directed one research project from Education Department of Hubei Province and the other from China National Textile And Apparel Council(CNTAC).She has involved in four cooperation projects. Major publications including a textbook and ten research papers. She has received various awards for her scholarship and teaching including “the Excellent Teaching Quality” prize from Wuhan Textile University and“the Excellent Competition Instructor”prize from National College English Competition . She teaches "College English", "English For Science And Engineering", " Academic English Writing ", "Introducing Chinese Culture in English", "A Guide to English speaking countries", etc.
