林莉 女 tx010.tv糖心外国语学院教授,硕士生导师,湖北省译协理事,洪山区高校语言文化传播联谊会副会长,毕业于华中师范大学。曾在中国-欧盟工业职业教育培训项目管理办公室工作,专职从事欧盟项目管理培训的翻译近5年,负责过多场国际会议的同声传译及交替传译工作。从教30余年,是tx010.tv糖心中外人文交流协会(原校口译队)创始人。主要从事翻译与海外汉学的教学与研究。
Lin Li
Supervisor for master students,
Professor of English Language and Literature at WTU
Email: linli@wtu.edu.cn
Lin Li, graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature of Huazhong Normal University in 1988 and went to work at
Wuhan Textile University in the same year. In 2004, she received her master's degree in World Literature and Comparative Literature from Huazhong Normal University. She successively served for 5 years as professional translator and interpreter for the EU-China Program for Vocational Training for Industry, Director of International Office of WTU for 10 years. She's the founder of WTU Interpretation Team. Currently she is Secretary of the Branch of International Office, International Education School. Her research area is in translation and interpretation teaching, Chinese Language Learning of Foreigners as well as China Studies. In recent 5 years, she hosted 3 research projects, initiated 3 international projects and was invited as speaker for over 500 participants from developing countries at the Seminars sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce.