邵嘉, 硕士,讲师。本科毕业于西安理工大学,硕士毕业于中国地质大学。早期从事翻译研究工作,现主要研究兴趣在国际合作办学。曾参编教材两部,参与校级科研项目两项,发表论文10余篇,主讲本科生“雅思英语写作”课程。
Shao Jia
Lecturer of English Language and Literature
Email: athlan_12696126@
Shao Jia, Master of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics; with a BA from Xi’an University of Technology and MA from China University of Geosciences; early research interest covers translation, now turns to transnational education; participant in two university research projects and the compilation of two textbooks; main publications include a dozen of research papers; lecturer of “IELTS writing”.