罗阳,硕士,讲师。本科毕业于天津科技大学外国语学院, 硕士毕业于澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,研究方向为中英翻译。先后发表教研论文8篇,主持一项校级教研项目,主讲大学英语,雅思听力写作,商务英语等课程。
Luo Yang English Lecturer
Luo Yang has been at WTU since 2008. She holds a BA from Tianjin University of Science &Technology, master’s degree from University of New South Wales in Australia; Her research focus on Chinese to English translation and interpretation; She has published 8 research papers and presided for 1 school teaching research project; Now She is responsible for “Cutting Edge” for undergraduates in international project and she also teaches ‘’IELTS listening and writing’’, ‘’Business 贰苍驳濒颈蝉丑’’.