戚永慧,副教授,外国语学院教师。本科毕业于对外经贸大学,国际贸易专业,硕士毕业于华中师范大学比较文学与世界文学专业。2008年赴英国Chichester University 短暂进修。早期从事英语教育教学研究工作,现阶段主要研究兴趣在语言学和比较文学上。参与多项省级课题,参编教材2部,发表论文10余篇。主讲大学英语及英美影视文化等课程。
Qi Yonghui
Associate Professor of English Language
Email: 863117639@
Master of Comparative Literature, deputy professor; with a BA from University of International Business and Economics, Master from Central China Normal University; Further study in Chichester University of Great Britain in 2008; Early research interest covers English Education, now turns to Comparative Literature and linguistics; take part in several provincial research projects; main publications include 2 textbooks and more than 10 research papers; Teacher of College English and Culture of Anglo-American Movies.