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Wang Ci

Lecturer of English Language

E-mail: 592377944@

Wang Ci, Master of Arts, lecturer of Wuhan Textile University (WTU). With a BA’s degree from Central South University of Technology (CSUT) in 1995 as well as a MA’s degree from Huzhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 2006, majoring in foreign linguistics and applied linguistics. Engaging in college English teaching and National College English Contest for a long time, with participation in academic conferences and accomplishment both by issuing textbooks  and academic papers, drafting constitution of Belt & Road Alliance of Textile Higher Education as well as reviewing textual materials for foreign affairs committee of the 7th CISM World Games in Wuhan (Wuhan Military Games), current research fields mainly concentrate on translation theory and practice, English for Special Purposes (ESP), intercultural communication. His main teaching courses for undergraduate students include: Fundamental Curriculum of College English, English Skill Training, Academic English, as well as Developing Curriculum of English Language.
