王小晨, 文学硕士,2005年毕业于华中科技大学外语学院。讲师,大英部老师,教授大学英语读写和听说等课程。主要从事应用语言学、英语教育学、跨文化交际等方向的研究。先后参与大学英语分级教学改革,英语口语强化训练,以及现代纺织学院试点班的教学等改革项目,参编教材3本,参与省/校级教学研究项目3个,独立完成横向项目4个,发表学术论文数篇。
Wang Xiaochen
Lecturer of English Language
Wang Xiaochen graduated from Foreign Language Department of HUST in 2005 with a MA. She has been a lecturer of the College English Department since 2008. Research fields include applied linguistics, English teaching methodology and intercultural communication. For the research work, she has finished 7 research programs, 5 research papers and participated in the publication of 3 textbooks. Teaching experiences include College English I-IV, Oral Training program and other educational reform programs.